
Adapter for multi-core cables

Index cat. WAADAAISO10

ean 5907624000070

AutoISO-1000 adaptor

69 384,00 ₹


Measurements of multi-core cables

Depending on the measurement facility and the established standards (each conductor to each or conductor to other shorted and grounded conductors), the measurement of the insulation resistance of wires or multi-core cables requires several connections. In order to shorten the measurement time and eliminate the inevitable connection errors, Sonel introduced an adapter that switches between individual pairs of conductors for the operator.

AutoISO-1000 adapter designed to measure the insulation resistance of cables and multi-core wires with a measuring voltage of up to 1000 V. The use of the adapter eliminates the possibility of making a mistake, and significantly reduces the time needed to measure the insulation resistance between pairs of conductors. For instance, for 4-core cables, the user will perform only one connection operation (i.e. connect the adapter to the facility).